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Sunday, July 25, 2010

Tool 8: Videos are Useful Resources

My two videos were focused on a science unit on animals. I love the first video on “Animal Sounds” being portrait by early childhood students. The teacher was able to integrate a variety of subject matter such as gross motor skills, fine motor skills, music, art, math etc. This would be wonderful way to close a science unit on animals!

Teachers could preview this second video and come up with questions for the students to answer as the video plays. The questions don’t need to be hard, but they should be questions the students can only answer by watching the video.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mr. Garza,
    I really like the mammel video. It would be great to use as a follow up to our trip to the zoo once the kids have seen all kinds of mammels close up and personal. The video contains good information that our kids should be able to recall once they have studied different types of animals.
    Have a great day,
